Welcome to Snarkfest

Welcome to my snarky corner of the web. Join me as I discuss everything from wine to chocolate. There may be a few other topics mixed in there too. I talk a bunch about my amazing offspring, 24 and 21. I sometimes go on and on about my secret crush on the amazing Mike Rowe. I talk about things that irritate me or things that make me happy. Sometimes I just talk to hear myself talk. Feedback is always appreciated but please make sure it's respectable. No nudity or profanity. I'm the only one allowed to be profane. But any and all snark is welcome and appreciated!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Uncle Jesse? Is that you?

My 17 year old daughter did something tonight that made me laugh my ass off. Seriously, she has my sense of humor, and I could NOT be any prouder of her. See for yourself.

How the person who had the wrong number only replied with 'ha' is beyond me. I'm still laughing about it, and it happened like, 3 hours ago. That's my girl.


  1. That would even make Bob Saget proud!

  2. Lmao love it! I'm so proud that both my girls have inherited my sarcastic gene, although to be honest, with me as a mother there wasn't much chance of them not getting it. Poor hubster having to put up with me & my mini me's ;D

    1. My girls definitely got the sarcastic gene from both my husband and me, the world doesn't stand a chance.

  3. Replies
    1. I was getting ready for work this morning STILL laughing at it.

  4. You are brilliant!! Just tweeted it and tagged him!!

  5. Oh she's your daughter alright! I would have cried if I were on the receiving end of that text!

  6. I love it! Modern "wrong number". Stellar!

    1. Just realized I'm posting with my old avatar. Gonna try to fix that bad boy...

  7. I love this, Teri! It had me cracking up, too!


I do read all comments and try to respond to them. Unless you're trying to get me to visit your website: Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags. Then you can go pound sand.