Welcome to Snarkfest

Welcome to my snarky corner of the web. Join me as I discuss everything from wine to chocolate. There may be a few other topics mixed in there too. I talk a bunch about my amazing offspring, 24 and 21. I sometimes go on and on about my secret crush on the amazing Mike Rowe. I talk about things that irritate me or things that make me happy. Sometimes I just talk to hear myself talk. Feedback is always appreciated but please make sure it's respectable. No nudity or profanity. I'm the only one allowed to be profane. But any and all snark is welcome and appreciated!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

New post up at BlogHer from Snarkfest!

Not sure if this is big news or not. I guess it all depends on how you look at things. But I've posted my very first blog on BlogHer, which is a HUGE site for bloggers. It's like the mother ship for female bloggers and I figured, what do I have to lose? Why not post something, run it up the proverbial flagpole and see if anyone salutes. I guess only time will tell. For now, you can read my post at this link: Getting Rid of Cable? Are You Kidding Me??

Who knows? It may end up lost in a sea of other blogs, a tiny fish in a giant blogger's ocean, but you don't know unless you take that first step, right? So go read and tell me what you think.


  1. I wish I could advise you on your predicament, but I am in the same boat. I keep hearing that the grass is way greener in Hulu/Netflix-ville, but I am afraid. My DVR and I have a commitment, you know? And I too am dying to know what will happen to Reese and Carter... :)

    1. I'm addicted to Person of Interest and can't imagine waiting longer to see what happens!!

  2. We dumped our cable about 8 years ago, partly because the price kept going up, up, up, and partly because my husband thought our kids could better use the time doing something like reading or playing. They STILL complain (in fact, my now-17 year old son says his dad can come live with him when he is old and feeble, but NO CABLE), but they DID play and read more often and have the grades to prove it. We use rabbit ears to get our local channels (yes, they still make them). We added Netflix this past summer, and it has made everyone a little happier.

    1. That's very generous of your 17 year old to offer to take in old dad without TV. :)

  3. Big deal. Enjoy it. Ride it. Own it. (And get rid of cable. Stat.)

    1. It's mine, I'm owning it!! And still on the cable fence. ;)

  4. Awwww congratulations sweetie! So happy for you and of course it's a HUGE deal! Yayyyyy!!!

  5. Great post! I'm completely weak and could never do it. My husband threatens it a lot and makes the same Hulu argument. I just take very little time for myself anymore...if I want to devote said time to watching one of Twilight movies on Showtime for the eleven billionth time, I reserve the right to do so ;)

    1. I go back and forth daily Jen. I see the pros and cons and still can't make a firm decision.

  6. Congrats on the big write! :) I'd say blogher is HUGE, so good on you!

    As for cable... we've been without for about 10 years now. At first this was a financial decision (groceries versus cable... hmmm... no choice there!). We checked out DVDs from the library and got by just fine. In the last five years we added Netflix, and then Amazon Prime as well. I will never, ever go back to cable. The noise from the loud commercials gives me a heart attack whenever we visit family / friends who of course keep the TV on full time. Another plus? We missed out on all the political ads (you can catch the important speeches or debates or whatever elsewhere), and the end-of-year car sales pitches didn't give us any trouble, either. There is plenty of stuff out on DVD that we missed the first time around, so waiting for the next season of True Blood to be released is just no big deal for us. Anything worth watching will eventually be available.

    I sound all grown up, right? Whatever. I just want to get to a financial place where I can have a cell phone again!!! (see, I'm still just a spoiled kid at heart!)

    1. You DO sound all growed up-like! Thanks for you input on the cable!


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