
Monday, October 8, 2012

The Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award

After being away all weekend, I was so honored to come home and see that I've been awarded the Sisterhood of the World Blogger Award from those sexy and awesome ladies over at The Mommy Chronicles! Those ladies are wonderful and I totally love reading their stuff, so if you get a chance, please go check them out. You will NOT be disappointed, I promise.

As with all of the awards I've seen or been lucky enough to receive, there are rules, as well as paying it forward, so here goes.

1. Thanks the blogger that gave you the award.
2. Post 7 things about yourself.
3. Pick 7 blogs to pass the award to, and let them know!

So without further ado, my most sincere thanks to those great gals at The Mommy Chronicles!! You ladies are the best and I am honored to be in such great company.

Now, here are 7 totally random things about me:
1. My desk is an absolute cluttered mess.
2. I ran 11 miles today in the cold rain because I'm running the Freedoms Run Half Marathon this weekend
3. My husband looks like Tom Hanks
4. I don't look like Rita Wilson (Mrs. Tom Hanks)
5. The first album I ever bought was Queen: News of the World
6. I had a huge crush on Scott Baio when he was Chachi, and truth be told, I'd still hit that
7. My favorite wine is red, my favorite brands are Kenwood and Rancho Zabaco.

Lastly, here are my 7 nominees for this award. Not easy considering there are so many amazing bloggers out there but here goes:
1. Abby Has Issues
2. Evil Joy Speaks
3. Mom-Spirational
4. Life on Peanut Layne
5. Frugalista Blog
6. Pesky Pippi
7. What I Had REALLY Meant to Say Was...

So go check out The Mommy Chronicles, and then go check out all these talented and funny ladies I've nominated for this award!

Tell 'em Snarky sent you.


  1. NaziwhackjobrunningcrackhoOctober 8, 2012 at 9:58 PM

    Awesome Sistah...:)

  2. Sweet!! I am honored and happy and I thank you. I will pay it forward. I want to get that cool badge on my site. Do you think the jeans will fit? Haha.

    Oh and hey Dina! You, too, rock my friend!

    It's nice to be recognized!


    1. Pippi, I tried on the jeans, they didn't fit, so I'm passing those on to you as well. ;)


  3. Good luck on your 1/2 this weekend! You will do awesome! :) I am so addicted to running and running races. The races can get pricey though....hahhaa. I guess that is a good addiction to have. cheers!

    1. Yes, Jackie, you're right, there are far worse addictions and far more expensive ones at that. Thanks for the good luck wishes!!



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