
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Four Plus an Angel

If you are a parent, and you have spawn that make you want to rip your hair out in clumps and throw it at them, if you have children who push and push and push you to the brink of sanity, make you yell
and scream like a lunatic, if you wonder if they will survive to adulthood without you putting them through the nearest wall, I urge you to read this.  This is Jessica's story. Jessica writes the blog Four Plus An Angel, which I just found today thanks to Nicole over at Ninja Mom.

Last night 15 made me absolutely insane. She found every button I have and pushed them so hard I felt like she had me jacked up against a wall. And I lashed out at her. Badly. I screamed, yelled, cursed, grabbed her face in my hands, all to try to get through to her. And now, after reading Jessica's blog, I regret my behavior. 15 is 15, it's who she is. It's not she who must change, it is I who must adapt. I'm sorry I flipped out on her. I'm sorry I lost my temper and appeared to be a monster, because I'm sure that's how she saw me. But this morning, I still had her in my life. And I will cherish her and try to hold onto every moment I have with her, good or bad. Because not all of us are that lucky.

Happy Birthday, Jessica.


  1. That's beautiful. Thanks for finding it and sharing with us.

    1. It hit home so much for me, Rebecca, because of the idiot I became last night.


    2. NazicrackhorunningwhackjobSeptember 19, 2012 at 11:47 AM

      T- Thanks for sharing it does make you think and my heart goes out to Jessica and her family.

  2. Wow. I loved it. I was just talking to The Big Guy last night that I try really hard to remember that we were once teens and pissed off our parents but it is hard when the shoe is on the other foot and you are now the parent. Thanks for sharing this post with all of us!

    1. It is a really hard thing to keep in the back of your mind, isn't it?


  3. Oh wow, I'm at a loss for words (which doesn't happen often). I can't thank you enough for your kind words but most of all thank you, because when people make even a little change or look at their kids differently because of my story that gives more meaning to the loss of my daughter. The only way I know to cherish her memory is to share it and you have just helped to do that and so much more. Thank you.

    1. Pleased to have been able to render you speechless, Jessica, and very pleased to meet you. I'm so glad to have read your blog and will continue to do so. Especially when I'm at my wit's end with my own amazing but (definitely trying) children.

      Thank YOU so much!

  4. This was fabulous! Thanks, Teri, for pointing the way to this article. :)

  5. As a mama, remember you aren't always perfect but your kids will appreciate fessing up to your mistakes! You are a wonderful writer and I'm sure a wonderful mother!


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